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Use the CHS Chart Index

Displays the geographical extent of products produced by the Canadian Hydrographic Service,

Canadian Hydrographic Charts

The Canadian Hydrographic Service distributes nautical charts for navigation through a dealer network that serves Canada and the entire world. These are paper charts covering all 3 of Canada’s coastlines plus major lakes and inland waterways.

You will need the number of your chart when ordering.

To find the chart that you need, you can search the chart catalogs or interactive maps.

  • Chart Index – an interactive web map showing both digital and paper chart coverage areas
  • List of Charts – Paper charts
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CHS Chart 3527: Baynes Sound

CHS Chart 6369: Yellowknife Bay

CHS Chart 4396: Annapolis Basin

CHS Chart 7150: Pangnirtung

CHS Chart 4492: Cascumpeque Bay

CHS Chart 3733: Catala Passage

CHS Chart 4515: Hare Bay

CHS Chart 5457: Deception Bay

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