Lucy Lickalotopus Goes Down South



“Lucy Lickalotopus Goes Down South ”   is the fourth of five books that make up Reach Around Books--Season Two. “How far would you go for a really, really good taco?” --The voice inside your head As they say, history repeats itself. On a Friday, the day it always happens, Sumguyen...

“Lucy Lickalotopus Goes Down South ” is the fourth of five books that make up Reach Around Books--Season Two.

“How far would you go for a really, really good taco?”
--The voice inside your head

As they say, history repeats itself. On a Friday, the day it always happens, Sumguyen was laid off from yet another menial gig. He excitedly called Bimisi with the news that he was once again amongst the ranks of the unemployed. Several times in the past this bounty of good fortune was cause for a road trip financed by the great American scam of “unemployment benefits”...this time would be no different.

At 7:00 AM the next morning, with two spare tires, two foot long sandwiches and two coolers full of beer...these two were headed South. Two miles across the border, they were two beers down.

The next two days and their final destination are still a bit of a blur, but Bimisi and Sumguyen still talk about how damn good those fish tacos were.

The five books included in the Reach Around Books Season Two Box Set include:

  • Who Will Help Jack Off the Horse
  • Brenda's Beave Plays a Round
  • Jiggle Wiggle Tickle Pickle
  • Lucy Lickalotopus Goes Down South
  • Peter Pitched a Tent

Through the timeless power of double entendre, Reach Around Books will have the reader in tears of laughter while to any juvenile listener they are completely innocent. If you are offended by humor, don't buy our books. If your kid is offended by our books, that implies they understand terms only found in the Urban Dictionary™...You failed as a parent long before Reach Around Books came into your life.


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