Guardians of the Lights



In a charming blend of history and human interest, this book paints a colorful portrait of the lives of a vanished breed-the lighthouse keepers. The books begins in the year 1716, when the first lighthouse was established in America, to the early 1980s when automation replaced the last human...

In a charming blend of history and human interest, this book paints a colorful portrait of the lives of a vanished breed-the lighthouse keepers. The books begins in the year 1716, when the first lighthouse was established in America, to the early 1980s when automation replaced the last human "guardian of the light" A wealth of material from the archives of the 19th and 20th centuries-primarily letters, diaries, and newspaper accounts-provides vivid stories about lighthouse keeping in this country: the daily work; coping with fog, storms, and other catastrophes; legends and ghosts; women's and family's roles; lighthouse children and pets; the natural world around lighthouses; and the diverse characters of those who held the job. Lighthouse keeping was a unique occupation, now obsolete, and this book is a fitting tribute to these tough, usually solitary, and dedicated heroes who kept the lights burning every night, without fail.

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