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Nautical Books

Paradise Cay Publications offers a complete line of nautical Books for navigation and mariner trainingWe are an authorized print agent for NOAA charts and NGA print-on-demand nautical charts. In addition, we a certified seller for Canadian Hydrographic charts. Our charts and many of our books are printed in-house. We use modern printers to produce high-quality certifed products at a fair price for our customers, with generous margins to our dealers. Wholesale inquiries welcome.

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Paperback, Charlie Wing, 320 pages, 11 x 8, 9780071446440
Keep your boat's electrical systems running and reliable. Boat owner's Illustrated Electrical Handbook is perfect for learning how your boat's electrical system and much of its equipment works, and it will be an invaluable guide when adding equipment as well. . This book needs to be in every...

Paperback, Bill Gladstone, 16 pages, 4 x 9, 9780071440134
Covers all the basics of rig tuning, sail setting and shaping for cruisers as well as racers. Handy quick-reference folding guide. Fourteen panels of waterproof information.

Paperback, Emiliano Marino, illustrated by Christine Erikson, 481 pages, 7.75 x 95, 9780071376426
There is little about designing, making, repairing or improving sails that this book doesn't cover. More than a comprehensive apprenticeship, it is also a wonderfully illustrated examination of the world's rig and sail types.

Hardcover, Nigel Calder, 284 pages, 7.5 x 95, 9780071475358
The world's bestselling marine engine maintenance book got even better and more up-to-date. Lucid explanations, over 300 b&w photos and drawings of every diesel system and advice on what to do when things go wrong.

Paperback, Miner Brotherton, revised by Ed Sherman, 189 pages, 6 x 9, 9780071392334
A clear, non-threatening introduction to 12-volt electrical systems used on small boats. Thoroughly updated as to modern equipment, materials and practices while retaining the simplicity that made the first edition a boating best-seller.

Hardcover, Allan H. Vaitses, 167 pages, 7 x 10, 9780071569149
Covers every facet of fiberglass boat repair techniques and strategies from cosmetic touch-up to gel coat blistering to major structural rebuilding or modification. Author speaks from decades' experience as builder and surveyor.

Paperback, Migael M. Scherer, 9780071420396
Fully updated by the author. New edition features 120 color photos, 75 chartlets and lay-flat binding for ease of use underway. Full of practical information and precise piloting instructions. Sets high standards for cruising guides everywhere.

Spiral-Bound, John & Leslie Kettlewell, 304 pages, 11.7 x 8.5 x 1.2, 9780071803908
A perfect navigational backup for that fluky chartplotter or iPadNavigating the Intracoastal Waterway from Virginia to Florida, or vice versa, is certainly possible with only a chartplotter, but prudent mariners like you know it's smart to have a back-up. Intracoastal Waterway Chartbook Norfolk...

Paperback, Hervey Garrett Smith, 130 pages, 8.5 x 11, 9780070592186
Hervey Garrett Smith was the foremost marine illustrator of the 1950s and 1960s, and his wonderful drawings of traditional ropework quickly propelled  The Marlinspike Sailor  to cult classic status when it was published in 1956. With the addition of a section on modern, synthetic rope in the...

Paperback, Dennis Fisher, 164 pages, 8.5 x 11, 9780070211209
Part history of navigation and part hands-on project book. Includes complete history and instruction for making 18 historic navigation tools including astrolabe, cross staff, pelorus, traverse board and a vernier sextant. Clever, instructive.

Paperback, Bruce Bauer, 192 pages, 6 x 9, 9780070052192
Not a celestial navigation textbook, but rather an essential guide to the mechanics of sextant use, adjustment, repair, history as well as buying guide to both new and used instruments. Illustrations.

Paperback, Olivia A. Isil, 125 pages, 7 x 7, 9780070328778
A salty collection of over 250 words, phrases and sayings that have become common in English usage. Arranged alphabetically and each entry is accompanied by a full explanation of origins and use. For lovers of English and the sea.

Hardcover, Don Casey, 137 pages, 7.5 x 95, 9780070133914
Step-by-step, picture-by-picture how to measure for, construct, modify, renew and repair canvas items such as dodgers, biminis, sail covers, sail bags, cushions and more above decks and below. Also, how to repair and improve sails.

Hardcover, C. Dale Nouse, 224 pages, 9 x 12, 9780070482371
Log keeping pages for 105 days of cruising formatted parallel to spine for easy use. Each day gets two-page spread featuring morning maintenance checklist, record of times, courses, distances, positions.

Paperback, Mario Bigon & Guido Regazzoni, 251 pages, 5 x 7.5, 9780688012267
A super book. 647 color photos describe in step-by-step detail how to tie 70 of the most useful knots. Good for sailing, fishing, camping, climbing.

Hardcover, revised by Thomas J. Cutler, 664 pages, 8.5 x 11, 155750248X
An extensive update of this classic textbook covering all aspects of contemporary marine navigation. While still covering traditional topics such as celestial navigation, this new edition gives full due to 21st century electronics and techniques. Fully illustrated.

Paperback, Hewitt Schlereth, 133 pages, 7 x 10, 9781574090581
A easy-to-use guide that takes the reader through the basic methods involved in position finding using sun, moon and star sights. Uses several examples and situations to make this an effective self-teaching text.

Paperback, John Payne, 86 pages, 6 x 9, 9781574091625
An easy-to-understand guide to the foundation of a marine electrical system: batteries and the systems that charge them. Topics include types, selection, safety, installation, maintenance, charging, alternators, regulators and more. Photos.

Paperback, John Payne, 86 pages, 6 x 9, 9781574091632
Well illustrated, confidence-inspiring guide to wiring and wiring standards, electricity basics, circuit protection, planning and installation, switches, grounding and much more. Makes boat wiring much more logical and far less intimidating.

Paperback, Nigel Clegg, 144 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, 1574092235
Concise, non-technical advice on how to do the job right using contemporary materials and techniques. Covers all paint, varnish situations and application challenges. A fault-finding section deals with when things go wrong. Line drawings and photos.

Hardcover, Frank J. Larkin, 288 pages, 7 x 10, 1574090526
Clear, easily understood, comprehensive course can be used for self-study or in a course setting. Goes from simple techniques through advanced, including GPS navigation.

Paperback, Edgar J. Beyn, 232 pages, 6 x 9, 1878797131
Covers basic electricity, switches, troubleshooting, engine instruments, safety standards, solar power, batteries, pumps, electrolytic corrosion. Practical solutions to common problems.

Paperback, Earl R. Hinz & Jim Howard, 391 pages, 8 x 10, 824830377
A long-established cruising guide to the Pacific Islands. This edition features updated charts and reflects many changes in regulations and facilities for most countries and ports of entry. An exceptional reference for any South Seas cruiser.

Paperback, US Sailing, 8.5 x 11, 9781938915406
Price change 9 2020

Paperback, U.S. Sailing, 9781938915024
For novices to cruising under sail. Covers every topic from docking under power to shortening sail to safety requirements. Hundreds of excellent illustrations.

Coastal Navigation
Paperback, Tom Cunliffe, 126 pages, 10.8 x 8.5 x 0.4, 9780976226161
Excellent grounding in traditional and up-to-date electronic navigation techniques for near coastal passage making. Clear, instructional text with excellent photos, drawings.

Paperback, US Sailing, 32 pages, 4.25 x 6.5, 1882502310
The official logbook for students of the United States Sailing Assoc. Records certifications attained, practical experience, regatta experience and supervisory experience. Pocket sized and concise.

Spiral-Bound, 11.5" x 8 5/8", 721002007995
More than 80 well organized pages for log entries, guest registry, vessel specs, checklist. Spiral-bound.

Spiral-Bound, 80 pages, 11.5 x 8, 1878797085
More than 80 ruled pages for recording log entries in flexible format. Guest registry, radio log. Spiral-bound.

Spiral-Bound, 80 pages, 11.5" x 8 5/8", 1878797107
Much needed organizer for routine maintenance notations as well as vessel specs, spares inventories, useful sketches.

French for Cruisers
Spiral-Bound, Kathy Parsons, 352 pages, 8.1 x 7, 9780967590516
This practical, easy-to-use guide provides the vocabulary and language skills necessary to cruise in French-speaking waters. . Whether your boating plans include the Caribbean, French Polynesia, Mediterranean or the canals of France, French For Cruisers gives you the tools you need to communicate.

Paperback, Ma-Li Chen and Lee S. Chesneau, 250 pages, 11.3 x 8.5, 9780939837786
This is a print-on-demand title and is NOT RETURNABLE

Spanish for Cruisers
Spiral-Bound, Kathy Parsons, 368 pages, 8.5 x 6, 9780967590523
THIS IS NOW A PRINT-ON-DEMAND TITLE. This second edition of the popular Spanish for Cruisers has been greatly expanded so that it now covers ALL the language and vocabulary necessary to cruise the Spanish-speaking countries of the Caribbean, Central and South America and Europe. There is...

Paperback, Stephen Pavlidis, 348 pages, 8 x 11, 9781892399281
From Grand Bahama and the Abacos South to Cat Island Crossing the Great Bahama Bank The Abacos The Berry Islands Grand Bahama New Providence The Biminis Eleuthera Andros Cat Island Completely Updated Versions of the Pavlidis Bahamas Guides. All Original Charts Based on Personal Surveys Conducted...

Paperback, Stephen Pavlidis, 295 pages, 8 x 11, 9781892399298
From Cat Island South to the Turks & Caicos~Dominican Republic North Coast Cat Island The Jumentos Conception Island and Ragged Island Rum Cay The Crooked Island District San Salvador Mayaguana Long Island Inagua The Turks and Caicos Islands The Dominican Republic North Coast Ports...

Skipper's Knot Guide
Spiral-Bound, edited by Heinrich Bauermeister, 41 pages, 9.75 x 8, 9781574092837
When you head out to sea, whether in a dinghy, a yacht, a motorboat or fishing craft, you will need a few handy knots in your repertoire'-o keep things secure on board and to get you out of trouble. Here is a convenient, splash proof, accessible guide to 40 of the most useful knots, bends and...

Paperback, Steve Henkel, 412 pages, 8 x 11, 9780071636520
For the first time ever, a comparative survey of 95 percent of the fiberglass pocket cruising sailboats ever built.

Spiral-Bound, Jan & Bill Moeller, revised by John Kettlewell, 244 pages, 8.5 x 11, 9780071623766
Since 1979, this book has been the piloting guide of choice for the tens of thousands of boaters traversing the 1,094-mile Intracoastal Waterway between Virginia and Florida each year. This sixth edition is double the size of its predecessor and includes greatly enhanced coverage of anchorages,...

Paperback, Tom Cunliffe, 65 pages, 6.75 x 9.5, 9780470666333
As romantic sounding as sailing to Tahiti did centuries ago, using the sun, moon, planets, and stars to guide one's boat on the seas is enjoying a comeback. For those who do not wish to be caught short when modern technology fails on board, knowing how to chart a path with the aid of a sextant...

Hardcover, Jeffrey Slesinger, based on work by George Reid, 432 pages, 6 x 9, 9780870335983
The most comprehensive text available for the mariner who wants to learn how to safely and effectively operate tugs in assisting ships to and from their berths in ports and anchorages. Captain Jeffrey Slesinger used his extensive knowledge of the industry to bring Reid's original edition,...

Paperback, Geoffrey Kolbe, 111 pages, 7 x 10, 9780914025108
The ideal one-book navigation back-up for experienced navigators. Includes almanac data for sun and stars, valid until 2050. Also has Sight Reduction Tables and Altitude Correction Tables. An essential back-up for serious celestial navigation.

Folding Pocket Guide, James Kavanagh, 6 pages, 8.25 X 3.6, 9781620052907
Knots is a handy guide to knot tying. A variety of ties and purposes are illustrated with simple instructions. Printed on durable material and folded for convenience, this is an easy-to-access resource at home or out in nature.

Folding Pocket Guide, James Kavanagh, 6 pages, 8.25 X 3.69, 9781583551127
Weather, An Introduction to Clouds, Storms and Weather Patterns, is a must-have, reference guide for beginners and experts alike. With this indispensable guide, learn how to observe clouds and anticipate weather changes. This folded guide is printed on laminate material for durability and...

Paperback, David Seidman, 240 pages, 9.1x7.2, 9780071749572
This is not just an instructional book---it's an insight into a sailor's approach to the sea, boats, and the ever-changing dynamic of wind on the water "A learn-to-sail book with heart"--WoodenBoat "A real winner. . . a masterful blend of straightforward text with delightful and instructive...

Paperback, Robert Sweet, 176 pages, 7.3 x 0.3 x 9.3, 9780071713993
The operator's manual that should come with every boater's GPS receiver or chart plotter. Since the first edition of GPS for Mariners, GPS has achieved almost universal acceptance. No one needs to be told in detail how the system works or why it is reliable anymore. Boaters today accept GPS as...

Hardcover, Peter Isler, 192 pages, 8.8x5.8, 9780470902639
From one of the world's most respected sailors-the knowledge and secrets every sailor needsPeter Isler, two-time America's Cup winner, has sailed in and won hundreds of races over the last forty years. In that time, he has acquired a vast array of knowledge about sailing techniques and tactics,...

Paperback, Barbara Merry, 256 pages, 8.3x5.4, 9780071736046
The Splicing Handbook includes step-by-step illustrations and explanations for the most useful and popular splices in traditional twisted and modern braided ropes, and it covers every kind of splicing project you are likely to encounter, including modern cordage such as Spectra; mainstream rope...

Spiral-Bound, 102 pages, 16.75 x 12
Contains 43 NOS charts for cruising between San Diego and the Panama Canal. Includes coverage for the Gulf of California and Baja. Blue accents have been added to the charts for easier reading. Excellent value.

Paperback, Robert Sweet, 288 pages, 8.5 x 0.4 x 10.8, 9780071759960
The Weekend Navigator teaches you how to navigate using today's tools and methods, including the latest technologies such as smart phones. While electronic navigation is here to stay, author Bob Sweet recognizes that they are still based on traditional charts and piloting skills, and he combines...

Paperback, Nigel Calder, 240 pages, 8.5 x 11, 9780071779821
The classic How to Read a Nautical Chart explains every aspect of electronic and paper nautical charts: how a chart is assembled, how to gauge the accuracy of chart data, how to read charts created by other governments, how to use information such as scale, projection technique and datum that...
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