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Nautical Books

Paradise Cay Publications offers a complete line of nautical Books for navigation and mariner trainingWe are an authorized print agent for NOAA charts and NGA print-on-demand nautical charts. In addition, we a certified seller for Canadian Hydrographic charts. Our charts and many of our books are printed in-house. We use modern printers to produce high-quality certifed products at a fair price for our customers, with generous margins to our dealers. Wholesale inquiries welcome.

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Paper Chart, 3ft 10 x 3ft 1
Now printed on heavier stock!

Minimum quantity for "NOAA Training Chart 1210 TR: MARTHA'S VINEYARD TO BLOCK ISLAND (3 PACK)" is 1.

Paperback, Carolyn & Bob Mehaffy, 336 pages, 8 x 10, 9781937196837
The CRUISING GUIDE TO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS is a boaters’ companion designed to aid resident and visiting boaters alike in their enjoyment of the Islands. The first section, “The Hawaiian Islands,” offers a brief look at the geological, historical, and political history of the Islands, as well...

Hardcover, Marty Allen, 96 pages, 5 x 7, 978-1909313569
Attention all nerds, put down that laptop and pick up this brilliant guide to tying 50 must-know knots. If you're unaware of the difference between a Cow Hitch and a Marlinspike Hoop or a Running Bowline and a Square Lashing, all will be revealed in "Knot Nerds." Packed with step-by-step...

Bridge Log Book (31 day)
Spiral-Bound, 66 pages, 8.5 x 11
Spiral-bound 66 pages

Hardcover, William B. Hayler, editor, 672 pages, 6 x 9, 9780870335495
Updated edition of the primary seamanship text and reference for the American Merchant Marine for over 60 years. Includes new chapters on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers and revised chapter on wire rope. Trusted.

Spiral-Bound, 80 pages, 11.5 x 8, 1878797085
More than 80 ruled pages for recording log entries in flexible format. Guest registry, radio log. Spiral-bound.

Blown Away
Paperback, Herb Payson, 232 pages, 9 x 6, 9781929214068
Anyone crazy enough to buy a boat deserves all the headaches he gets, said Chuck. What kind of boat are you looking for? Oh, something about 35 feet. We re going to sail around the world. You poor kids, he said sympathetically. At Middle age, Herb and Nancy Payson decided they...

Folding Pocket Guide, James Kavanagh, 6 pages, 8.25 X 3.69, 9781583557129
Wilderness education is a critical part of personal safety -- and not getting lost, or knowing how to get found if you are lost , is an essential skill.   Basic & Primitive Navigation teaches simple techniques to navigate out of dangerous situations. Instruction on basic compass use and...

Paperback, Derek Van Loan, 112 pages, 7.8 x 6.4, 9780939837700
The Chinese Sailing Rig: Design and Build Your Own Junk Rig is a stem-to-stern guide for the Western sailor who wants to junk rig any hull. . Words and drawings clearly explain in detail concepts that have been successfully used for millennia in the Orient. Using Western materials and...

Hardcover, Brion Toss, 432 pages, 8 x 9.5, 9780071849784
Revised and updated―the only book you need on sailboat rigging and marlinspike arts From its initial publication,  The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice  has been the definitive go-to resource for weekend sailors and maritime professionals who want to master the fine art of rigging. In this...

Ship Spotter's Guide
Paperback, Angus Konstam, 128 pages, 7.5 x 0.4 x 5.1, 9781472808691
Ships have been part of military campaigns since the Ancient world, and this expertly illustrated and detailed Spotter's Guide offers a look at the 40 most iconic and recognizable ships throughout history. From the Viking longship through to the powerful modern aircraft carriers, and from the...

Hardcover, Allan H. Vaitses, 167 pages, 7 x 10, 9780071569149
Covers every facet of fiberglass boat repair techniques and strategies from cosmetic touch-up to gel coat blistering to major structural rebuilding or modification. Author speaks from decades' experience as builder and surveyor.

Flexi, Jimmy Cornell, 395 pages, 9.5 x 8, 9781916091054
Sail The World With Me   deals with all essential aspects of offshore voyaging and long distance cruising. Every subject is dealt with in an informative and entertaining manner, backed up by telling incidents or anecdotes from the author’s wide-ranging experience. While primarily aimed at...

Paperback, David Burch, 98 pages, 6 x 9, 9780914025603
Our guiding principle for this booklet was to provide a means of learning and executing a position fix at sea when a vessel has run out of power and all the batteries have been consumed, so there is no GPS available. We wanted a solution that is compact and inexpensive, using tables and...

Paperback, Bob Sweet, 16 pages, 4 x 9, 9780071423717
Panels of concisely ordered information folding into a compact size. Covers position finding, entering and using waypoints, more. Good for use with any GPS. Waterproof.

Paperback, Hervey Garrett Smith, 130 pages, 8.5 x 11, 9780070592186
Hervey Garrett Smith was the foremost marine illustrator of the 1950s and 1960s, and his wonderful drawings of traditional ropework quickly propelled  The Marlinspike Sailor  to cult classic status when it was published in 1956. With the addition of a section on modern, synthetic rope in the...

Paperback, 8.5 x 11
This is a print-on-demand title and is NOT RETURNABLE

Paperback, Lars Hassler, 320 pages, 6 x 95, 9781408112014
A hippy Sell Up and Sail, this entertaining and inspiring book is more than just a cruising narrative – it is an instructive account showing how anyone can circumnavigate (or even sail for an extended period) without huge funds. Lars Hassler originally set off intending to sail for three years,...

Spiral-Bound, 26 pages, 12 x 18, 9781951116279
17 reduced-scale complete NOAA charts coverign the Prince William Sound area. Spiral bound in a large format (12x18") booklet. Printed on high-quality paper and updated regularly. Not recommended for navigation, but handy for reference and planning. Each chart atlas includes a map key...

Hardcover, Larry Pardey, 452 pages, 10 x 8
This impressive book shows the process of constructing a boat hull with extensive photographs and drawings and includes ample time-saving procedures. Larry Pardey is accepted as one of the master craftsman of the wooden-boat building world. He and his wife, Lin, have built two, strong,...

Paperback, 882 pages, 8 x 10.5, 9781951116545
This is a print-on-demand title and is NOT RETURNABLE

Hardcover, revised by Thomas J. Cutler, 664 pages, 8.5 x 11, 155750248X
An extensive update of this classic textbook covering all aspects of contemporary marine navigation. While still covering traditional topics such as celestial navigation, this new edition gives full due to 21st century electronics and techniques. Fully illustrated.

Paperback, Michael R. Adams, 196 pages, 9.5 x 7.5, 9781951116576
This is a print-on-demand title and is NOT RETURNABLE
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