
Plankton is Pushy
Hardcover, Jonathan Fenske, 40 pages, 9.5 x 9.5, 9781338098969
In this funny underwater picture book Plankton says hello to Mussel but Mussel doesn t say anything back Plankton tries everything to get quiet Mussel to talk In fact Plankton gets VERY pushy about it Will Mussel ever open his mouth Kids will relate to Plankton s frustration with Mussel and they...

Barnacle Is Bored
Hardcover, Jonathan Fenske, 40 pages, 9.5 x 9.5, 9780545865043
Barnacle is stuck on the underside of a pier, wishing he had something to do. Every day is exactly the same. The tide comes in and Barnacle gets wet. The tide goes out and Barnacle dries off. Boring! Barnacle wants something EXCITING to happen. Then a colorful fish swims by. Barnacle bets the...