Epicenter Press

Epicenter Press
Fishes & Dishes
Paperback, Kiyo Marsh, Tomi Marsh, and Laura Cooper, 143 pages, 8.5x8.8, 9781935347071
The women featured in this book successfully challenged one of the last frontiers of male domination - the commercial fishing grounds of Alaska. A generation ago, they might have been celebrated as pioneers. In today's world they were simply living their dreams. They worked every job, from...

Lighthouse Activity Book
Paperback, Elinor DeWire, 75 pages, 8.5 x 11, 9780945092551
Includes read-aloud stories, word games, puzzles, coloring pages, art activities, poems, biographies of famous lighthouse people, cartoons, scrambles, trivia and much more. Fun for any lighthouse fan of any age.

The Bentwood Box
Paperback, Nan McNutt, 34 pages, 11 x 8.5, 9781941890349
The Bentwood Book is an activity book for kids from ages 9-12, including teaching guides. It tells the story of how indians from the Nortwest Coast made boxes out of bent wooden planks. Introduces activities that provide information about the crafts and ways of life of these people

The Button Blanket
Paperback, Nan McNutt, 34 pages, 11 x 8.5, 9781941890325
An activity book for kids ages 9-12, includes teaching guide. It tells the story of a Kwakiutl girl making her first ceremonial button blanket. Introduces activities that provide information about the crafts and way of life of the indians living along the Northwest Coast of the United States...

Paperback, Sharlene Nelson, Ted Nelson, 264 pages, 6 x 9, 9781684922093
Sailing along California's often forbidding coast was a risky venture before 1854, the year the state's first lighthouse was established. Eventually more than forty lighthouse stations were built to guide mariners along 1,200 miles of coastline from San Diego to the Redwood Coast, and through...

The Cedar Plank Mask
Paperback, Nan McNutt, 34 pages, 11 x 8.5, 9781941890165
The Cedar Plank Maskis the third book in a four part series, preceded by The Bentwood Box and The Buttion Blanket. This book is designed for students of 3rd through 6th greade. The art style represented in this book is called Westcoast style by the people who live on the western most tip of...

Paperback, Greg Saffell, 48 pages, 6 x 0.2 x 5, 9780963781628
Color photographs of Washington State by area photographer Chris Jacobson.